amsthm.helper module

amsthm.helper.cancel_emph(elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = <class 'panflute.elements.Emph'>)list[EmphLike] | None

Emulate the behavior of LaTeX that a double emph is cancelled.

amsthm.helper.cancel_repeated_type(elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = <class 'panflute.elements.Emph'>)list[EmphLike] | None[source]

Emulate the behavior of LaTeX that a double emph is cancelled.

amsthm.helper.cite_to_id_mode(elem: pf.Cite)tuple[str, str] | None[source]
amsthm.helper.cite_to_ref(elem: pf.Cite, doc: Doc, check_id: dict[str, str] | None = None)pf.RawInline | None[source]

Cite to raw LaTeX ref/eqref.


check_id – if provided, transform only if id is in check_id

This maps [@…] to eqref{…} and @… to ref{…}.

amsthm.helper.merge_consecutive_type(elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = <class 'panflute.elements.Emph'>)list[EmphLike] | None[source]

Merge neighboring Emph with optionally Space between them.

amsthm.helper.merge_emph(elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = <class 'panflute.elements.Emph'>)list[EmphLike] | None

Merge neighboring Emph with optionally Space between them.

amsthm.helper.parse_markdown_as_inline(markdown: str)list[Element][source]

Convert markdown string to panflute AST inline elements.

amsthm.helper.to_emph(elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = <class 'panflute.elements.Emph'>)EmphLike | None

Convert all Str to ElementType.

This should works for Emph, Strong, SmallCap, etc.

amsthm.helper.to_type(elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = <class 'panflute.elements.Emph'>)EmphLike | None[source]

Convert all Str to ElementType.

This should works for Emph, Strong, SmallCap, etc.