
  counter_depth: 2
  - Definition
    KL: Klein's Lemma
  parent_counter: section
  - Theorem:
    - Lemma
    - Corollary
  - With Space\*
  - Proposition: Conjecture
  - WithoutSpace
  - KL
  - Case
  # include these if you use pandoc-crossref
  # which are auto-generated by it
  - List of Figures
  - List of Tables
  - List of Listings
header-includes: |

# Demo

::: {.Theorem info="within parenthesis"}
plain theoremstyle *here*

We can use pandoc-crossref style @simplestEquation and [@simplestEquation]
and cite before definition.

::: {#simplestEquation .Theorem}
Label and reference:


From the \ref{simplestEquation}, we see that...
Or \eqref{simplestEquation}, ...

::: {.With_Space info="**This** is *markdown*."}
Environment name has a space, and is unnumbered.

::: {.Lemma info="can cite \ref{simplestEquation}"}
This one share counter with Theorem.

::: {.Definition info="pandoc-crossref style cite @simplestEquation"}
definition theoremstyle here

::: {.Case info="within parenthesis"}
remark theoremstyle here

::: {.proof info="Proof of the Main Theorem"}
Predefined proof theoremstyle here

::: {.proof info="Proof of the *little* theorem"}
Predefined proof theoremstyle here with markdown info.

::: {.proof}
Bare proof here.

::: KL
Klein's Lemma from amsthm doc.

::: Definition
code here

# Counter test

::: Theorem
some theorem

::: Theorem
some theorem

## Next level

::: Theorem
some theorem

::: Theorem
some theorem

### Level 3

::: Theorem
some theorem

::: Theorem
some theorem

#### Level 4

::: Theorem
some theorem

::: Theorem
some theorem

##### Level 5

::: Theorem
some theorem

::: Theorem
some theorem

###### Level 6

::: Theorem
some theorem

::: Theorem
some theorem