Source code for amsthm.helper

from __future__ import annotations

from logging import getLogger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import panflute as pf
from import convert_text

logger = getLogger(__name__)

    from typing import TypeVar

    from panflute.elements import Doc, Element

    EmphLike = TypeVar(

[docs]def to_type( elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = pf.Emph, ) -> EmphLike | None: """Convert all Str to ElementType. This should works for Emph, Strong, SmallCap, etc. """ if isinstance(elem, pf.Str): return ElementType(elem) else: return None
to_emph = to_type
[docs]def cancel_repeated_type( elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = pf.Emph, ) -> list[EmphLike] | None: """Emulate the behavior of LaTeX that a double emph is cancelled.""" # this is to make sure nested Emph in any ways would be canceled. if isinstance(elem, ElementType): res = [] for e in elem.content: # double Emph if isinstance(e, ElementType): res += e.content # single Emph only, keeping Emph... else: res.append(ElementType(e)) return res else: return None
cancel_emph = cancel_repeated_type
[docs]def merge_consecutive_type( elem: Element, doc: Doc, ElementType: type[EmphLike] = pf.Emph, ) -> list[EmphLike] | None: """Merge neighboring Emph with optionally Space between them.""" if isinstance(elem, pf.Block): content = elem.content n = len(content) mutated = False # walk in reverse direction to avoid mutating current location i # also start with the 2nd last entry because we're matching 2 or more elements for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1): elem_cur = content[i] # remember that we are mutated content and therefore len(content) changes too elem_next = None if i + 1 >= len(content) else content[i + 1] elem_next_next = None if i + 2 >= len(content) else content[i + 2] if isinstance(elem_cur, ElementType): if isinstance(elem_next, ElementType): merged = list(elem_cur.content) + list(elem_next.content) content = list(content[:i]) + [ElementType(*merged)] + list(content[i + 2 :]) mutated = True elif isinstance(elem_next, pf.Space): if isinstance(elem_next_next, ElementType): merged = list(elem_cur.content) + [pf.Space] + list(elem_next_next.content) content = list(content[:i]) + [ElementType(*merged)] + list(content[i + 3 :]) mutated = True if mutated: elem.content = content return None
merge_emph = merge_consecutive_type
[docs]def cite_to_id_mode(elem: pf.Cite) -> tuple[str, str] | None: if len(elem.citations) != 1: logger.warning("Not only have 1 citations in Cite: %s. Ignoring...", elem) return None citation: pf.Citation = elem.citations[0] id = mode = citation.mode return id, mode
[docs]def cite_to_ref(elem: pf.Cite, doc: Doc, check_id: dict[str, str] | None = None) -> pf.RawInline | None: """Cite to raw LaTeX ref/eqref. :param check_id: if provided, transform only if id is in `check_id` This maps `[@...]` to `\\eqref{...}` and `@...` to `\\ref{...}`. """ if ( isinstance(elem, pf.Cite) and (temp := cite_to_id_mode(elem)) is not None and (check_id is None or (id := temp[0]) in check_id) ): mode = temp[1] # @[...] if mode == "NormalCitation": return pf.RawInline(f"\\eqref{{{id}}}", format="latex") # @... elif mode == "AuthorInText": return pf.RawInline(f"\\ref{{{id}}}", format="latex") else: logger.warning("Unknown citation mode %s from Cite: %s. Ignoring...", mode, elem) return None return None
[docs]def parse_markdown_as_inline(markdown: str) -> list[Element]: """Convert markdown string to panflute AST inline elements.""" ast = convert_text(markdown) res: list[Element] = [] for e in ast: if isinstance(e, pf.Para): res += list(e.content) else: res.append(e) return res