Can you be obedient To the Lord of all, 你們能否順從
Can you be obedient To the Lord of all,
你們能否順從 你一切的主,
Though the earth should totter, Though the heav’ns should fall?
如果地要震動, 天象要翻覆?
Face e’en a disaster With a faith-filled heart,
你們能否相信, 神與你同在,
Knowing naught can harm him Who with Christ will start?
就是災禍忽臨, 必定不遭害?
Can you be obedient To the Lord you serve,
你們能否順從 所事奉的主,
Never even flinch, friend, Never even swerve;
不稍軟弱、驚恐, 也不稍讓步?
Though your next step onward Seem to lead to death?
雖然你的前途 好像是死路,
Can you then obey Him Without bated breath?
此時能否順服, 而不一自顧?
Can you trust your Leader When He bids you
你真能否順從, 如果主召你
Right into a battle With a mighty foe?
加入前線進攻, 抵禦凶仇敵?
Can you step up briskly And with joy obey?
你真能否立前, 歡喜受差遣?
Can you fight the battle, Till the end of day?
你真能否爭戰, 直到晚色遍?
Can you? Then beloved, Christ just waits for
能否?我的弟兄, 你神已久等,
Listen for His orders, Glad His will to do;
應當服祂權柄, 遵行祂命令。
Then when soldiers muster At the set of sun,
你若作主精兵, 當祂再降臨,
And your name is mentioned, Christ will say, Well done.
祂要題起你名, 並說你“忠心!”