Soldier, soldier, fighting in the world’s great strife, 親愛基督精兵, 爭戰正激烈,


Soldier, soldier, fighting in the world’s great strife,
親愛基督精兵, 爭戰正激烈,
On thyself relying, battling for thy life;
前曾倚賴自己, 我精疲力竭;
Trust thyself no longer, Trust to Christ—He’s stronger;
今不再靠自己, 單靠基督大力;
I can all things, all things do Through Christ, which strengtheneth me.
靠那加我力量主, 凡事我都能作。


In your daily duty, standing up for right,
在你日常分內,   為公義站立,
Are you sometimes weary—heart not always light?
是否有時厭倦,   感到不容易?
Doubt your Savior never, This your motto ever:
永不疑惑救主,   是你得勝之路:
I can all things, all things do Through Christ, which strengtheneth me.
靠那加我力量主,  凡事我都能作。


If your way be weary He will help you through—
路中若感疲乏,   祂必來扶助,
Help you in your troubles and your pleasures too;
無論你是喜樂,   或者是痛苦;
Say, when Satan’s by you; Say, when all things try you:
應對撒但宣告,   應對環境稱道:
I can all things, all things do Through Christ, which strengtheneth me.
靠那加我力量主,  凡事我都能作。


In a world of trouble, tempted oft to stray,
在這邪惡世界,   試探實頻繁,
You need never stumble, Satan cannot stay,
但你不需跌倒,   撒但必逃竄;
Will but tempt you vainly, If you tell him plainly:
他必全然徒勞,   只要你肯宣告:
I can all things, all things do Through Christ, which strengtheneth me.
靠那加我力量主,  凡事我都能作。


Jesus’ power is boundless, boundless as the sea;
基督能力無量,   深廣如海洋;
He is always able, able to keep me,
祂能拯救到底,   凡事都擔當;
Power bring from my weakness, Glory from my meekness:
祂的夠用恩力,   將我軟弱覆庇:
I can all things, all things do Through Christ, which strengtheneth me.
靠那加我力量主,  凡事我都能作。