Using CSS to make the Markdown to HTML output mimics the Markdown to LaTeX output.

See demo in


1.1 Custom CSS

The followings are put in _sass/:

  1. amsthm: See ickc/pandoc-amsthm
  2. list: Replicated the different type of styles in different levels of a nested list in LaTeX.1
  3. heading and toc:
    1. Heading counter: Replicate the numbering in headings.
    2. ToC counter. Similar to heading counter, it adds the numbering to the TOC.
  4. table: Adapted from MultiMarkdown Composer 3 with slight modification.
  5. system-fonts: a tiny font css setting the main font as "Gill Sans" and code font as "Consolas", with multiple fallback including Chinese fonts.
    1. system-fonts-lmodern: Expect "Latin Modern Roman" and "Latin Modern Mono" exists in system fonts. Otherwise, see Fonts (Latin Modern).
  6. mmdc: make it looks closer to MultiMarkdown Composer 3's output CSS with minor modification.

A combined css including the related one in the next section is in css/.

1.2 Fonts (Latin Modern)

A font.css is given in fonts/fonts.css which loads web fonts rather than system fonts.

It loads the Latin Modern Roman as the main fonts and Latin Modern Mono as the code font. The font is chosen to make it looks as close to the LaTeX's as possible. A couple of fallback fonts as well as some Chinese system fonts are added for compatibility.

They are not included in the combined css mentioned above, since it is huge. If you need to load it, load it after the combined css.

1.3 CSS From Marked 2

2 JS

2.1 Setup Files

There's 2 JS setup in /js/ as well:

  1. MathJax:
    1. setup-mathjax-cdn.html: setup MathJax
      1. Cancel extension
      2. equation numbering
      3. a semi-finished Physics extension I wrote
      4. siunitx
    2. load-mathjax-cdn.html: load MathJax itself. It should be included after the setup-mathjax-cdn.
  2. Highlight.js

3 References

  1. _list.scss supports different styles in different levels (up to 6 levels) of a nested list.

    1. ordered list:
      • In ordered list, up to level 4, the _list.scss provides the same styling as the LaTeX output. 2 more styling is given in level 5 & 6, but are unrelated to LaTeX's styling.
      • LaTeX will have error and complain the nesting is too deep beyond level 4. Something need to be done on the LaTeX's side (e.g. you repeat the nesting, i.e. level 5 use the numbering in level 1, etc.) or you can make the level 5 as an unordered list to get around the issue.
    • unordered list:
      • It is not replicating the LaTeX result because those bullets are not available in CSS.
      • It repeat the use of 3 styles twice to achieve a total level of 6.