Go to the repository here.

For the demos, see README.html, README.pdf, index.html, index.pdf. These demonstrates using the provided CSS and JS setup to mimics the LaTeX output in HTML.

1 Testing

1.1 MathJax and Physics

Physics: \[\begin{equation} \ket{\psi} \end{equation}\]

SIunitx: \[\begin{equation} c = \SI{299792458}{\m\per\s} \end{equation}\]

Cancel: \[\begin{equation} \cancel{p} \end{equation}\]

Also see the equation numbering above.

1.2 Highlight

while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
    iconv -f big5-2003 -t utf-8 "$line" > temp
    sed -i '' s/big5/utf-8/ temp
    mv -f temp "$line"
done < "$1"

1.3 Amsthm


1.4 List

1.4.1 Ordered

  1. testing
  2. testing
    1. testing
    2. testing
      1. testing
      2. testing
        1. testing
        2. testing

1.4.2 Unordered

1.5 Heading

See the heading numbering above

2 Fonts

This one uses Latin Modern Roman and Mono (see the texts and codes), matching the PDF generated by LaTeX.

2.1 Tables
